

7th March



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  • i love him
    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    back to blogging!
    i miss my dd…although he just left few hours ago..
    cant stop looking forward to his ORD!!!
    den he will be freed!!!!!
    and he gonna totally commit to me!
    sometimes i realli wondering wad we will quarrelling about…
    maybe we are totally too in love with each other..HAHA…
    tt day we were talking about wads so impt in the other partner…
    for me i think..the most impt is he dote and love u…
    no matter how handsome or rich or clever…if he does not dote or love u from the bottom of his heart…everything is fake…
    i always look forward for those kind of love tt doesnt need to repay…
    this sentence is veri familiar huh…
    i dun like guys trying to ask for credits when he do something for u…in fact..i find it pathetic…u do something for ur gf and ask for credit?wad is this man?i rmb tt time when i was with jy…he always ask for credits and this make me mad..and i asked a question…is the love u give me need to be repay? and he said yes…wtf…i supposed if u love someone..u wun think of repay??y do some guys just wanna treat a r/s as an investment and wanna us girl to repay back after all the “investment”…ridiculous…
    but luckily there is this someone who i met tell me…love someone doesn’t need to be repay..i m glad to have him =D
    he is the 1st guy who tell me this…=D
    he is mine =D

    talking about marriage..maybe i m too young…but definitely i think of the future…
    i will only marry when i make sure there is a house,car and the guy have to pay for the wedding.
    I just want to have a simple and easy life,w/o worrying about food and clothes…
    I wan a man tt have this ability..not too difficult huh…
    someone ever tell me i wun be able to find this kind of man…but i believe i will…
    If u believe it,u will achieve it…i believe =D
    I always believe i will find someone abit like my father..haha…cuz he care about his family…a good father…he might not be the best husband but he is not bad either…=D

    anyway…i wan my dd faster ORD la!!!
    cant wait cant wait!!!!
    but i noe have to ren abit and soon!!!!!he is out of NS…MUAHAHAHAHA!!
    i love him =D
    and i noe he love me truly and deeply =D

    ~love is in the air~