

7th March



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  • New company : Beyond Beauty
  • wads wrong with me
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  • a new environment
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  • busy…
  • slacking again…
  • a warmth-less family
  • continue…flashback (from end of ’07)
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  • haven been updating
    Friday, September 18, 2009

    well well..
    i noe..i have not been updating…

    hmm…actually i oso not sure wad to update…
    few days ago got a gathering with ida&bf,wanrong and orange at bishan…
    den a gathering again with ram,wanrong,yp&daniel,sel anddd……ALAKA & hubby!!
    like SOOOOOOOOOO long nv see her la!!!!
    i miss her super much!!i swear!!!
    i miss those times when she always ask me to count her coins…
    the times when we help each other to make up and tie our hair…
    the times when we discuss abt where got sell cheap stuff…
    the times when she is so blur and do funny things…
    realli miss her alot alot alot!!

    anyway…have to congrats huii and her andy b for their 1yr anni!!!!
    hahahaha…jealous la…everytime her r/s long long de…not like mine…
    but i believe mine will last this time *pray*
    let him faster ORD la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hahahaha…cant wait for him to finish his NS and come out work!!
    den i got extra money liao rite??*hee*
    i just feel different…mayb realli is we from friends to couple..this kind of different feeling that i nv had b4…
    i m just so ME in front of him…like i got nth to hide from him…
    he noe i talk vuglar..he noe i money-face…he noe i stubborn..he noe i lazy and dirty…he noe everything!!!!
    seriously..i dun believe he is saggitarius…mayb a mutated one…SERIOUS!!!
    just hope he will remain lik this forever okiee??

    sometimes realli hope time flies super fast…

    -Picture of the day-