

7th March



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`agnes yap `alex `ah tung `bErniCe `christine `chmel `cyn `Hui zhen `hui junn `hui ling `jie shi `kat `mei mei `pipi `serene `xiao juan yee ting `4-1-love huii `zhifan Project Blog


  • busy…
  • slacking again…
  • a warmth-less family
  • continue…flashback (from end of ’07)
  • Flash back…till 2007
  • time pass lik nth happen
  • my horo VS ?? horo
  • boring day
  • town~
  • FAMILY day
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  • long time no write..
    Sunday, May 17, 2009

    i realli veri long nv write blog le..
    lazy + busy…

    i m addicted to L4D!!!
    as addictive as mahjong!!!!!
    so funny la..
    ytd most funny..
    yp..was a tank and she tot she is hunter..
    can u imagine a tank squatting and keep jumping??
    play with her will keep laugh at her..

    serangoon lan shop SUCKS!!
    the person is irresponsible
    sure is let his frens go 1st lo..den we waiting the com like dog..
    fuck la..
    he is an ugly bastard!!!!still tot his hair veri SHIT!!!!
    make me cannot play L4D…
    i prefer the yishun one..
    more frenly and funny la…
    SERANGOON LAN SHOP IS BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    been working as BA..
    met alot of people..
    this week i was at sk compass point..
    guess who i met??
    LIN LIN and STEPH!!!
    suprisingly, the world is so small..linlin is zhifan’s fren..LOL..
    we keep talking and talking…until kana say by the management ppl..
    walao guardian wun like tt de lo..
    watson not good not good..
    but apparently..we still talk like nobody business…LOL..
    linlin is another one who is same as leon…subway eat fresh!!

    anyway…yiju was telling me..she is so suprise tt i m single for so long..
    i m suprised too..
    but i duno y la…just feel that i cannot depend on guys..
    i just feel that guys are the same..i duno y..
    i felt more hopeless on guys when chester find me back..
    he duno how to appreciate me when we were together until he lost me..
    i m sure that he is not gonna find someone like me again..someone who will cling on him and sa jiao when the right time come..someone who give him his freedom..someone who listen to him..someone who help him do paperwork..someone who help him solve his problems…someone who let him decide wadever he wan…someone who make him feel that he is useful and clever even he do stupid things…someone who have so high tolerance level…
    but wadever la..
    i m not gg back…NV go back..
    i enjoy my single life…
    at least i no need report this and that…
    i can go out with anyone…
    i can talk with anyone..
    i have freedom!!!!!!!