

7th March



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  • a warmth-less family
  • continue…flashback (from end of ’07)
  • Flash back…till 2007
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  • my horo VS ?? horo
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  • bday celebration with my darlings!!
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  • slacking again…
    Friday, April 3, 2009

    damn sian..
    everyday jiu shi slack at home..!!!!

    after tt day quarrel with mom..went to yiju house overnight…
    we watch the stupid korean movie..LOL..LAME…
    waaa…i realised her house got alot lizard..LOL..keep got the lizard noise..LOL..
    means her house free of mosquito!!~~dengue-free..LOL..
    went back home in the morning..den slp whole day….

    next day…
    went to movies with yiju,yp,daniel,ram,sadha and tt pig..
    pro yp manage to ask pig to come down…
    i wanted to ask him but i think he sure say the stupid 3 letter
    but in the end..
    HAHAHA…we told alica…she was so suprise la!!!!!!
    anyway…we watched “race to witch mountain”..
    a nice movie..yup..
    is more on an action adventure movie…quite interesting..
    but i wanted to watch the mall cop..BUTTTT
    tt sairam la…
    dun wan watch..zzzz
    nvm..i will find ppl watch with me de!!!!
    anyway..after tt..went to S11 for supper…hahaha…
    talk cock there and went home…
    den me and edwin took the same we were talking…
    he asking me whether i got see any new guys or wad…
    and was suprised by my “NO”..
    all damn suprise by me not getting a bf within a month…LOL..
    wads wrong with tt huhhhhh
    it is just..



    my heart is dead…………
    i m tired of honeymoon->quarrels->cold war->break->tears
    i m tired of planning and thinking of future with someone……
    i m tired of  having high hopes on someone……
    i m tired of thinking of depending on someone……

    wake up early in the monring..
    accompany tt zhifan for suntan at sentosa…
    the sun wasnt tt “big” so we played in the water…
    when the sun is big…
    time for me to hide in the shade…
    slack for awhile den it started drizzle so we left..but..who knows…
    the sun come back big and bright and strong…LOL…
    i think he regret suggesting to go back when it drizzle..LOL..
    too bad!!!!!!
    someone wanted to get tanned in the end din get tanned at all..although applied the wad dark tanning lotion…
    ME!…i stay in shade and i got tanned@@@!!!!!
    my skin all turn red!!!!!!!!!
    and is burning!!..zzzz…
    i think cuz i m too fair…abit sun oso can burn me..zzz…
    anyway..after tt we went to vivo..
    we went to the pet shop..weewee..see tt cute puppy!!
    my forever wanted dog -----toy poodle
    walao..damn cute lo..wish one day…one day i will own one toy poodle!!!!~~~~~
    anyway..i bought a HOROSCOPE BOOK…weewee


    today…went for an interview at temasak tower…
    is a Japan company…
    they ask weird questions like..
    do u go clubbing?
    which club u go?
    what u do during ur weekend?
    wtf questions are all these??
    y din they ask y i apply for this job instead…LOL..
    i think they ask more abt personal life and stuff…LOL..
    and their english is CMI de lo..
    make me duno how to talk to them seriously…
    and 1st time i see people read my resume for more den 10mins..-.-
    but anyway…
    hope i get the job ya…
    after tt..
    went to amk hub to meet yiju and ram..den we went causeway point to meet alaka..
    tt yp and daniel take 100 yrs to come..LOL..
    but alot cock..and enjoy the day!!!!
    hope can bring her out soon =DD