

7th March



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  • a warmth-less family
    Sunday, March 29, 2009

    i realli feel lik leaving this house..

    i dun wanna face her..

    i dun wanna see her..

    i cannot face someone who is so unreasonable…

    i love my dad..i love my brother…

    but her..

    how to..

    u tell me..

    in this world..

    which mother will say her own daughter ji sheng chong?

    which mother will say her own daughter eat free stay free?

    which mother will nag at her own daughter when she cant find a job and think she is useless instead of encourage her?

    my dad work hard earn money give us…nv complain a single thing b4..all he wan is to give us a comfortable life…i cannot find job he an wei me..tell me slowly..i go for interview he drive me there..i screwed up the interview he an wei me…he talk to me nicely when he thinks i do wrong..i realli love him alot..everytime he wil think of people b4 him..i noe he is a good man..a good father…

    although my brother temper not tt good..but at least everytime i got trouble..i need someone to talk to…he is always there..he will be there to wipe my tears..will be there to hug me..cheer me up..protect me lik how hen protect chicks..i love him alot alot too..he might look not serious..but actualli he plan his stuff..he think for his future..he is not tt not serious like how my mom see….sometiems i feel lik i understand him more den my mom…

    the most she be de people are these 2 man in my life…

    tt woman..

    i seriously duno how to say her..

    wad kind of mother will have wad kind of daughter…if i m stubborn..she is 10 times more den me…if i m greedy..she is 10 times more den me….i did not become like stephanie lik tt is cuz i got my own thinking..i noe wad is wrong wad is rite….but how many times in my life do u noe i wanted to be like her?i wan to be rebelious..i wanna stay out late dun come back home..i wanna be so bad lik her? but i control myself..cuz wad..i noe i will hurt my dad…he has high hopes on me..he dote me so can i let him down…?

    how many times i hide in the room cry to myself when i cant find a job?
    how stress i m when i cannot find a job?
    does she noe??
    does she care??
    icant feel the warmth at all..