

7th March



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  • Overnight at Yiju House
    Friday, March 13, 2009


    just came back...
    actualli should be back in the morning..
    but slp until so late..
    i like almost 2 days not at home le..
    feel better..=D

    anyway..went to yiju house ytd.
    yp,daniel,ram,edwin,sadha,yiju and me..

    there are alot of funny stuff happen...

    1. yiju try to kill me by putting a nugget into the frying pan without thawing it..and the oil start "popping"...
    2. yanping try to kill me and yiju by THROWING crab meat into the frying pan..and yiju kana the oil and screamed...HAHA
    3. there is NO LIGHT soy sauce and CORN flour in yiju house at all. She confidently said that she had when we in NTUC.
    4. i have to use UNKNOWN flour to supposingly-make meat tender..
    5. they played water gun in kitchen while i was cooking..
    6. the campbell soup overflow cuz daniel is in toilet. we were right beside it and we din watch the fire too..LOL..push the blame to daniel..HAHAHA..
    7. we were using the uno-stacko bricks to do dimino(idk how to spell)...and our demo trial works..but when we were video-ing FAILED!!!!!!=(

    anyway..i m happy tt the tofu is a success!!!...everyone say it is nice..^_^
    1st time trying okie?
    *claps for me*

    anyway..we played candles outside her house.. random rite..
    nth to do wad..

    anyway..i love to play bridge!!..
    i think it is a veri interesting and challenging
    i think i m getting addicted..

    well well..
    tml gg to meet huii they all le..
    so long nv see them..