

7th March



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  • Change of blog
    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    I change my blog again!!
    well..from private blog back to public blog..=D

    tml going for job interview!!
    post: lab technician
    location : woodlands
    company : Ugene

    GG...i got no choice but to work as a LAB TECH!!...
    OMG LA...the last job i will ever do.. bian..everyone want the no space..
    plus i got no experience in admin..make me so lose out to others
    ..i wanna be an admin actually..or HR assistant..
    gonna face food samples everyday...
    face the cylinder,mediums....T_T

    but anyway...still hope i can get a job..
    if not i gonna "eat air"...
    really dont have the feeling of studying anymore...
    but i know i need a degree...
    but i got no money wad...stupid..
    i left with 3 weeks to decide wad i should study...
    definitely have to lend money from my daddy liao le lo..
    but i think he will help me pay...*pray*..

    recently my mom like pms..nono..menopause..
    the temper is worse than ever..worse than thunderstorm..
    she like a timed bomb..but i duno when she is gg to blow up..

    anyway..if my pay is 1300..i will take home lil..
    if my pay is 1500..i will take home 1200..still reasonable..
    hopefully i get 1500 and above..can? *pray*