

7th March



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`agnes yap `alex `ah tung `bErniCe `christine `chmel `cyn `Hui zhen `hui junn `hui ling `jie shi `kat `mei mei `pipi `serene `xiao juan yee ting `4-1-love huii `zhifan Project Blog


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  • town~
    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    today went to town with darling huii...
    den we bought the same off shoulder top..
    it is damn nice la..
    at 1st i din noe is off shoulder...
    when she came out of the fitting room...
    den she paying..
    i saw like off leh...den i asked her..
    den she tell me is off shoulder..
    i faster go try and bought it..
    it is FUCKING nice =D
    and i oso bought a new pouch for hp...LOL..
    quite nice color one =DDD

    anyway..we went to TANGS...
    cuz i wanna buy bra again...LOL..
    but seriously...
    i realli find triumph bra sucks to the max..
    it is so damn uncomfortable...
    i find wacoal nice =DDDD
    the cloth is soft soft smooth smooth one..
    but too bad..the one i like is half cup..which i dun like..
    in the end..
    no bra bought
    so sad=(((

    anyway..i almost forget..
    i wanted to complain..
    complain those fucking lecturers!!!!!!!!!
    i noe we dun give a good impression to the lecturers la..
    our dressing..i noe..super short pants...
    our make up..
    but come on la...dun judge the book by its cover can?
    although we look like those naughty students..
    but we still study well..
    our face look like our GPA is 2++ de rite..
    pls...we are 3++ students..
    and yp is above 3.5...
    how bad can science students be?
    seriously i love SCL lecturers!
    they are like god!!
    so kind,friendly,fun-loving..
    take our mentor as example..
    the kindest mentor i ever met..
    or AK..
    the funnest lecturer i ever met..
    we watch liverpool match tgt..
    or michael..
    the most caring lecturer i ever met...
    our SCL lecturers are the BEST lo...
    compare to the fucker teachers from business or IT..
    like shit..
    den mark us down..
    fuck you!!
    we are going to write in..
    make sure u gonna have a hard time...
    we put in so much effort and time in our fucking project and u mark us down..THX..
    all these 3 yrs..
    we been doing our best in our projects..
    PCT,protein tech, immuno...
    wadeva project we do our best..
    i believe the lecturers know..
    fuck u..just becuz u dun like our appearance..u mark us down..
    i noe u r jealous of us la..
    we are young,pretty ladies..
    u are just an old maid!~
    just curse u down the years and write in to fuck u upside down!!!
    FUCK UP!!!

    enuff of complaints..
    gonna continue from wad happen today..
    talk to huii..
    about my mom's crazy attitude.
    and r/s stuff..
    idk y..
    people are just veri fan jian one la..
    ppl treat u good..u dun wan..
    ppl dun treat u good..u stick to them..
    but for now..
    i need to find someone who treat me good...
    but not now la..
    i think i have to rest for a while 1st..
    before my heart can take it..
    i dun like lies..who like anyway..
    i like surprises...
    i like romantic...
    i like fun...
    i like someone who can get along with my friends and family...
    i like someone who bring me to show his friends and family...
    i like someone who listen to my opinions..
    i like someone who always give in to me and tolerate my unreasonable-ness...
    i like someone who allow me to depend on...
    i like someone who will squeeze his time for me..
    i like someone who will always be there for me..
    i like someone who plan his future....
    i like someone who loves kids and animals...
    i like someone who will appreciate what i will do for him...
    i like someone who will not let me shed tears..
    i like someone who will hong me when i m angry..
    i like someone who will accompany me to go shopping..
    i like someone who will watch movies with me..
    i like someone who is observant..
    i like someone who is caring...
    i like someone who is humourous..
    i like someone who is honest..
    i like someone who trust me..
    i noe all these are difficult to achieve..
    thats y i choose to be single for now..