

7th March



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  • FAMILY day
    Monday, March 16, 2009

    today went to accompany my mom and brother cut hair...
    go to calvin's shop..
    i think i realli intro alot ppl to him...
    LOL.. mom like the way he cut..
    good =D

    after tat went for dinner and kbox...
    was talking to my mom..
    finally let her understand how i feel...

    all along..when i had bf..
    i onli show her the good side of bf..becuz i wan her to like them..
    who the hell will complain to own parents abt their partner...
    tts y she always say my fault..say i nv give in all those..
    only my brother noe..cuz i onli complain to him..
    she told me chester had the BEST CHARACTER! tears almost drop down when she said that..
    i cant take it anymore and i start telling her everything..
    if she say rayyan or fernando is good..i can understand...for all my r/s..the only one i realli feel guilty and bad abt it is fernando..cuz i noe he is good..
    but chester...pls..for god sake..none of my fren like him ok..
    tt is oso another point tt make me realli give up on him..
    i always wanted my bf to mix with my friends and go out with them like his own friends..
    if a guy realli love me...i suppose he will do tt?
    i will do tt to my every bf..i suppose it will make him feel good..
    back to the topic.
    i told my mom abt the cheating thing..
    i was the third party...but i didn't know that...
    this is how bad it is..
    he lied to 2 girls at one time..
    i gave him so many chance..but cant he appreciate..?

    anyway..he keep asking me whether i miss him and he sms me say he miss me..
    pls lo..
    for god sake..
    stop all these nonsense!!!!
    i hate ppl saying "i love u", "i miss u" like drink water like tt...
    i hate it when he said it but dun mean it..
    he said bcuz he tot this will appease me..
    but pls..
    this anger me more..
    i dun wan all these fake sweet disgusts me..
    totally pissed me off..
    alot of my friends asked me y i break with him..
    these are the reasons:
    1. He is not honest.
    2. He keeps his privacy to himself only.
    3. He dun wan to mix with my friends.
    4. He said those words like drink water and dun mean it at all.
    5. He hides alot of things from me.
    6. He acts like nth happen when we quarrel.
    7. Communication always break down when he refused to say out the truth.
    8. I think we got age gap.

    i cant say he is not good..
    he drives me around..
    he fetch me...
    he bring me for dinner...
    tts all i can think of...
    i always treated him like an adult..
    if he nv sms me or call me -> work
    i m sick but he nv visit me -> work
    wadever thing i will tell myself is bcuz of his work..
    whether it is true or not..idk..
    but anyway..
    it is over now..
    idk he got cheat on me anot..
    but we seriously dun suit each other..
    no more gemini and aquarius bf!!!!!OUT!!~~

    time for me to rest mentally!!