

7th March



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`agnes yap `alex `ah tung `bErniCe `christine `chmel `cyn `Hui zhen `hui junn `hui ling `jie shi `kat `mei mei `pipi `serene `xiao juan yee ting `4-1-love huii `zhifan Project Blog


  • slacking again…
  • a warmth-less family
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  • busy…
    Saturday, April 18, 2009

    i m quite busy…yup..

    anyway…i m totalli addicted to this song…
    everyday keep repeat listen this song onli…
    sometimes i realli thinking…
    my heart realli dead le ma??
    realli no more feeling?
    i guess the real answer…
    is just within myself…

    just like the song lyrics…
    when u love matter wad…u will love him/her…
    how bad is she/he…
    u will still love him…
    no matter wad…

    seriously i realli pei fu myself..
    i guess my frens all shock oso..
    me..edyna liang kaiyuan…
    have been single for like 1 and half to be 2 months soon..
    y m i single?
    i m waiting for the right person to ask the right question…
    but i guess..i need to wait super super long…
    tts y i remain single!!!=D