

7th March



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  • New company : Beyond Beauty
    Saturday, July 25, 2009


    i think i haven update for like 1mth le la…DAMN LONG AGO since i update…lol..
    anyway..i quit job and change to this company call beyond beauty…
    hmm..working as a front desk..yup..the pay not tt high la..but still ok la..since the economic so bad now…
    and i enjoy ok..i m happy =D

    the consultant,beautician all veri good to me..cuz i m youngest ma..
    everyday joking joking..except for the new incharge…-.-'"
    she keep thinking is other ppl wrong..and actualli problem lies with her…aiyo..
    the whole shop de ppl all dun like her realli cannot stand her at all lo…-.-
    anyway..i work for like 3 weeks fast!!!i din realise la..tot i just work lik tt..hahaha..
    i like the cristy so much la..she so so funny la..everyday see her will laugh laugh laugh de..
    she and the trainer veri close but i dun realli like the trainer…duno wendy start to talk alot le oso..which i like veri much oso..HAHA..

    anyway..waa..alot alot things happen…HAHA..
    tt day ah mie meet me..den i go tell him alot alot things which i feel..waa..make him damn speechless..HAHA…
    okie..i noe i m bad to be so straightforward..but i m just stating the facts..
    i noe he is not gg to change la..but aiya…at least i do my part le lo..
    now i noe y he cannot last with his exs and his mom is so good…LOL…he got a bad character like jinhong…LOL..

    i cut hair le!!finally..
    eeyer…but not calvin help me wash hair de..i prefer him la…he wash damn nice..
    is his assistant johan..oso good la..but i still like calvin!!!!
    den i intro pearlyn to go his place cut oso..she oso like him!!!!
    den she cant pronounce my name den calvin still help her pronounce cuz he say i everytime intro him customers..LOL..
    of cuz la..good de i sure intro de…HAHHA…^_^

    tt chester call me again..nt time i sure ask him for money stop him for pestering me..HAHAHA…
    i just hate it la…i mean..i dun mind being friend with him…
    but aiya..i noe he dun wan us to be friend…pls la..someone lik tt…expect me to patch back??NONONONO…
    yes he is rich..but wtf..he flirt around de lo..wad for?so wad he drive BM…so wad he wear wad he got wad he buy condo..i dun wanna make myself sad to be with someone lik him…fuck ugly still flirt around..zzz….

    i update till here for now…HAHAHA..
    veri lazy leh…HAHAHA