

7th March



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  • long time no write..
  • busy…
  • slacking again…
  • a warmth-less family
  • continue…flashback (from end of ’07)
  • Flash back…till 2007
  • time pass lik nth happen
  • my horo VS ?? horo
  • boring day
  • town~
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  • a new environment
    Sunday, May 31, 2009


    i think i m too busy to write blog la!! now i cant slp…so plan to write a post =D
    anyway..i resign vichy and changed to pure science international..
    well..still in the sales line..i just like being in sales line okieee…LOL
    the boss and lady boss is damn good la..and their daughter super cute..cuz she super like me and keep sticking funny…she keep saying “i like jiejie”..
    so sweet la..
    all of the sudden i become her “idol”..
    hahaha..still rmb when i was young..i always look up a jiejie as my idol is my turn to be the “idol”..
    WAHAHAHAHA.. is the GSS!!!!!!
    i tell you..i shop like mad la!!!
    last tuesday..went to town with my darling hanhan in the nite after her lessons ended…
    we at wisma and i bought 2 dresses from max& is damn cheap okie..den i went to ZARA but see nth..=( okie..there is GUESS beside..i saw alot ppl hanging in the shoe i went in and see… SALES la..HAHAH…so i bought a super high heels..wanted to get bag but i swear i wun get one cuz it is too the end bought a belt lo..cuz nice..HAHAHA..den hang around at other shops..but no nice clothes =( so sad we decided to eat dinner cuz it is almost 9 and i think she is we went to cineleisure to eat the shoduku(duno how to spell)..which i recommend de tomato creamy pasta…cuz it is damn nice..HAHHA…while we were eating…i saw SUBSTANCE is not closed… after dinner..went over and bought another heels..LOL..den pass by another shop..which i duno the name and bought another dress…LOL..anyway..shops all closed after tt..=( so no choice but to go back home…
    pls dun say i m a shopaholic okieee =X

    i continue my shopping journey the next day which is wednesday…LOL..
    in the morning i went to amk de dental clinic to book appointment..weewee…finally wanted to wash my teeth..LOL..i m scared of pain la~!!!!!
    anyway..after booking the brunch with dumbdumb at the duno wad hongkong cafe at amk hub..and i m gonna say out a funny thing here la…
    u noe wad we order…we look at the menu pictures which seems nice la..come out is shit..LOL..chicken wings,ZAI ER and cereal prawn..WHO THE HELL IN THIS WORLD EAT ZAI ER IN CAFE?… dumb dumb lo…8 pieces of zai er cost 7.90..LOL..i almost laugh like mad..cuz is too dumb dumb le la!!! shopping trip gonna begin…….

    Location : VIVOCITY
    1st stop : Club Marc
    Awards :  NIL
    the clothes is too big la..even the S oso like so…make me angry only…

    2nd stop : Forever 21
    Awards : 1 top
    i want a dress but no size anymore!!! damn sad..last time went with chester but he said not nice…should have insist nice and bought it last time…so sad la!!!!!!!

    3rd stop : ZARA
    Awards : NIL
    The clothes dun suit nor attract me…

    4th stop : River Island
    Awards : Formal top and skirt, Blinking Earring
    Damn nice la…heee…wanted to buy the heels one..but..dumbdumb stop me..ok i ask dumbdumb to remind me not to buy de la..cuz i bought 2 le ma..

    5th stop : Charles and Keith
    Awards : A bag look like suitcase
    No choice..the nicest suitcase i saw for working use..hahaha

    6th stop : Challenger
    Awards : A red earpiece
    I needed one..cuz spoilt and this ear piece is damn good and nice!!!!!!

    7th stop : ALDO
    Awards : A flat and necklace
    The flats is for working wise a need..not a want..but necklace is a want la..=P

    8th stop : SUSHI TEI
    Awards : ???
    Too many to list…LOL..but ate the lobster and scallop damn nice la!!!!!!!

    9th stop: Esprit
    Awards : Hoodie
    Cuz i need one nice plain one..and it is cheap =D

    Mission Complete…=D
    I m not shopaholic!!!!! =DD
    anyway…we went back to amk hub for a movie..Night at museum was nice wad..but y other ppl telling me not nice huh…weird.. shopping trip still not end…
    i continue it when i was working…o0ps!!!!!
    cuz i m mobile and moving happens tt i m at junction 8 and i saw….
    bought 3 dresses 1 top 1 legging…WAHAHAHAHAHA..

    pls..somebody stop me from buying!!!!!!!!!!!!!