

7th March



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  • iphone 
    Sunday, August 29, 2010

    Weeheee!!! I seriously love my iPhone... Just feel so so different with iPhone around...with the apps..and the camera!!! I <3 camera Hmmm.. There is something I must say... I seriously look down on u NOW.. C'mon be a man...I know u r a liar now so don't bother to hide things or pics.. Yea..I m crazy enough to believe in you from the beginning we knew each other,thinking u r the one I have been waiting for..feeling tt you are diff from other guys..opening up my locked heart to you..bla bla bla.. ALRIGHT! it is all bullshit huh..I burnt my finger and I hope yours gonna drop off sooner or later..stop acting like a noble me.. U r just a liar. Absolute liar. All the excuses..keep it to yourself and don't use it on the next one's really lame. Anyway...was out with tt goldfish ytd..watched grown ups! It is nice!! Funny shit..hahaha..sometimes he is really sweet but sometimes he is not..hahaha! A song for him "hot and cold"... But anyway..he is not the one i m looking for though he is kinda cute..hahaha!! Playa remains playa. (: not gonna burn my finger again (: My next target will be someone who is mature,stable and fun loving..! But I m not gg to get someone so old till we have age gap..hahahahaha!!