

7th March



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  • life stages..
    Friday, August 6, 2010

    just perm my hair

    thanks to vivi-chan and calvin-sama !!
    calvin never fail to satisfy me..swear i will support his salon 4ever!
    and seriously i m super honoured lah!
    i made a director wash my hair and massage me..HAHAHA!!!

    was chatting with mole ytd..
    as usual..we also heart to heart talk..
    talking about her problems..

    i might not be old..
    but i guess i got enough experience to advise or rather share my thoughts.
    everyone will go through these stages..
    and you will not understand unless u experience it urself..

    needing someone to love but the one who woo u is not someone you want. however, u still go close with him. u like his existence, accompanion, you cant bear to lose him but u dont miss him unless you got nth to do. yes, u may say it is selfish. but be honest to yourselves, are u sure u never experience this b4?
    u r close with someone and the surrounding people are telling you not to be together with him. Knowing that your dont suit each other, you get tgt with him becuz u think love is everything. as time go pass, you wake up from your dream, realise love is not everything, broke up and the reason? dont suit each other. so why did u start it 1st? love, love make everyone blind. (:
    someone who had a gf woo u expecting you to be the third party?
    having love at the first sight?
    having "friendship turning into love" relationship?

    all these..i had experienced...
    what do i still need?
    thats why it is time for me to take a long rest and be single.
    i dont deny it is lonely at times..
    but whenever i saw my surrounding couples quarrelling, or friend who is attached being "trapped" by the other partner...i feel relieved..
    i know nth last forever..

    live the way u wan life to be!
    dont even bother how pple look at u