

7th March



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  • i hate u bitch!
    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    seriously i m pissed off!!!
    wtf is wtf wtf!!!!!
    ytd my gor come back..told me tt he and kailin break le..
    and the reason is..she lik another guy..
    the worst part is..2 mths ago they are discussing about engagement..
    they wanted to get engage in this coming September..
    wtf is this..
    she said it 2 mths ago and after that she go with another guy????
    and she even told her friends she and my gor are just friends....
    just friends...just friends and get engage????!!!!!!!!

    1st time..i see my gor cried in front of me..
    1st time!!!!!!!
    how heartpain is this!!!
    i nv see him cried lik this b4!!
    for this 21 years..i nv see him cried lik this b4!!!!!
    and this fucking bitch make my gor cried..
    fuck up..seriously fuck up!!!!

    still have the cheeks to ask my brother why he so unfriendly to her now..
    pls....use her fucking dumb brain to think!!!!!!!!!