

7th March



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`agnes yap `alex `ah tung `bErniCe `christine `chmel `cyn `Hui zhen `hui junn `hui ling `jie shi `kat `mei mei `pipi `serene `xiao juan yee ting `4-1-love huii `zhifan Project Blog


  • i hate u bitch!
  • sick and tired
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  • i dont know
  • hais
  • i m not her
  • hais..
  • i hate this feeling..
  • =)
  • love?
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  • random drinking day
    Sunday, April 25, 2010

    i guess my sore throat is not gg to recover any sooner..
    i tot it is gg to be ok..
    but i went for a drink again..
    there goes my throat again..

    ytd went to wei giat there drink with bob mh they all..
    play some silly drinking games..
    was cursing and swearing..
    then mh and christy came to my hse..hahaha..
    make me miss those time when we overnight at yiru house all those..
    really miss those days..
    but i m happy that they overnight my house..
    i miss this kind of feeling..
    small talk and chat between girl friends...i miss this kind of feeling..
    i just love it when there is someone who can listen to my feeling..
    is what i need..

    just feeling emo at times..
    but i guess..i m doing the right thing..
    i just wish that you are happy..
    although imdd..but
    i will let it be memories..