

7th March



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  • it is so true (:
    Sunday, July 18, 2010

    people saying "time will heal your wound.."
    i totally agreed..
    i thought i will be taking damn long to get over...
    but hell knows..
    i got over (:

    for those who loved me..thanks for everything..memories are great and no one can replace any memories between me and you,you,you yes and you!

    for those who hurt me..i am cool with it worries we still can be friends provided u r cool with it (:

    for those who judged me..i dont give a damn to it..i am who i am..i love the way i am now..whatever you say remains in the shithole (:

    for those who quarreled with me.. i am cool with it too! can we just let it go and be friends again? I am glad we are talking to each shows that we have grown up..hate wont last for life..

    for those who cared,listened,accompanied,chat with me when i am down, i really appreciate it deeply...i stole away your attention and time but i swear i will return you back with my eternal friendship! u know who you are my dear friends! (: