

7th March



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`agnes yap `alex `ah tung `bErniCe `christine `chmel `cyn `Hui zhen `hui junn `hui ling `jie shi `kat `mei mei `pipi `serene `xiao juan yee ting `4-1-love huii `zhifan Project Blog


  • i finally understand
  • memories..
  • random drinking day
  • i hate u bitch!
  • sick and tired
  • disappointed
  • i dont know
  • hais
  • i m not her
  • hais..
  • Archives

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  • june 2010!!
    Sunday, June 6, 2010

    Here come june!!
    soon i am going to study in july..
    kinda scared..
    afterall i have not touch books for like almost 2 years??
    but luckily i went in dsta..
    a super duper nice job!!! =DDD
    colleagues over there are superb too!!
    cuz all my brother ex-colleagues they treat me like xmm..
    so pampered!!!! =DDD
    everyday go office relax..hees..

    although i miss mengmeng sherie and samename badly.. =(
    i just love the way we always gossips and joke and laugh like nobody business...
    meng meng always chu the end she will kana shoot funny..
    same name always gossip with me and we are friends more than colleagues...
    sherie ang the funniest friend i had..i love her dramas and we practically can talk everything under the sun!!!!!!!

    anyway went to ram bday..
    is a fun night!!! =D
    i love gatherings :)

    anyway..people and friends..
    i am going to set my blog as private blog in 4 days time.