

7th March



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`agnes yap `alex `ah tung `bErniCe `christine `chmel `cyn `Hui zhen `hui junn `hui ling `jie shi `kat `mei mei `pipi `serene `xiao juan yee ting `4-1-love huii `zhifan Project Blog


  • life stages..
  • it is so true (:
  • party
  • cant wait for yiru to come back
  • june 2010!!
  • i finally understand
  • memories..
  • random drinking day
  • i hate u bitch!
  • sick and tired
  • Archives

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  • August 2010
    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    realised i m having a busy life..
    "good" friends...

    the only time i have for myself alone is like...NOW?..
    this is the only period i can think of stuffs..

    looking back..

    i realised...there are alot more..just that i m kinda lazy to list them out.
    life is not as smooth as we foresee...
    ups and downs are inevitable..

    we can lose all the stuffs/person we love or hate..
    but there are things which will always stay with us..
    it is the experience we gain, lesson we learn, memory we hold on to...
    no one is going to take it away from us..
    or one is capable to do that...

    sometimes i m glad that i have experienced quite a lot of miserable times..
    it made me grow up fast...faster than average human being..
    but at the same time..
    i m exposed to this cruel world and my dreams are shattered too quickly...
    i lost the enthusiasm i used to had..
    i lost the hope i used to had...
    my aim?
    be myself, enjoying life, earn money for survival purposes and lie flat in coffin peacefully.
    (my aim is in bold)

    sounds pathetic?


    living in singapore is pathetic.
    i m so gg to migrate (: