

7th March



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  • no mood
    Monday, May 16, 2011

    my exam is really drawing near..

    yet im still in the relax mood...
    this is super unlike me...i guess im just too tired from work..
    or maybe i really dont like the subject and thus lack of motivation...

    i just wish for a pass this time round..hahaha!

    after exam im definitely going to dote myself with SHOPPING and FUN and MANY STUFFS!
    gotta meet up alot friends esp my sampat! like super long haven see her la!! there are tonnnnnssss of stuff i have to update her...
    and i also need to meet up noob! hahaha!!! miss his bullshit also la!
    and mengmeng!! i miss her so much!!!!!!
    omg..if i continue to write who i wanna meet i can fill up the whole page..hahahaha!!!

    anyway...i realised i have not talk about my new workplace - covance.
    well, it is a nice place honestly.
    with coffee machine, milo and soft drinks all for us..
    the people there are nice..and im super lucky to be in SIKIC!
    cuz miki,yixuan and cherie are really really nice people!!! hahaha! and we are in the same frequency and that is the best part! chatting with them and working with them make me happy! (: and of cuz my supervisor - lynn. she is like damn trendy lah! where got such supervisor! i find it hard to accept that she is supervisor...i mean she is not that kind of strict and stern people, she is fun-loving. (: <3 SIKIC <3 oops..i should not left alvin out..he is alumni! LOL! a 34yr old guy who behave like he is 25..hahaha! but ok lah..he really look lik 25-27...

    anyway...back to study...):

    gotta update again soon!!