

7th March



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  • election fever!
    Saturday, May 7, 2011

    well well..

    now the hot topic is GE 2011!!!

    yes it is my virgin super excited!

    debates,rallies,discussion is like everywhere!!
    and i proudly say im not a fan of PAP! not totally against them. i feel that there are still some minister are nice people but some seriously are CRAP!

    Like those who tell you to "send the old to JB home"..well..thanks ah...
    those who think that HDB is very affordable..thanks ah..
    there is too many black sheep in PAP..seriously
    our government should have people like Chiam See Tong (opposition).
    the video i saw him fighting for his potong pasir people..i seriously teared.
    he use his MP ALLOWANCE to do mini-upgrade for them cuz they are not in PM LEE list of housing upgrade..
    come on..which MP will do that?use own money..only Mr Chiam
    people like him with heart is really needed to be in the parliament.

    in my opinion, i feel that our government should not have only one ruling party. Having absolute power will only allow someone to be arrogant.

    i just hate it when people tell me this : "aiya ang mo kio safe and sound ma..who cares other people"..
    this is fucking pissing me off totally.
    can we all think of OTHER PEOPLE TOO?!!!! and think of our future too!
    just because our area is under PM Lee and potong pasir is under Mr Chiam, they dont deserve housing upgrading? this is bullshit man! they are paying tax too!

    another statement i hated is "aiya,cuz govt gimme money ma"
    come on..this is the most ignorant statement i ever heard. can people think of the future instead? ROAR!

    sometimes there are many reasons for problems we are facing
    why are we getting married later and later? --- cost of living
    cost of living includes house,electricity bills ,food bla bla bla...
    this also apply to babies. why no one want to give birth to more babies?
    the reason is not because girls scared fat la pain cuz of MONEY too.
    do you know how much to raise a baby?

    feel like writing more but im super sleepy..LOL!!
    continue next time.....