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  • updates?
    Sunday, April 17, 2011


    no updates for u edwin and yiru..HAHAHA!
    not that fast okiee?!

    yup..the previous one is really fast huh..
    well..sometimes things just cant drag will cause worse consequences and moreover im not that type of person who like to drag things..
    yeah...and im reckless..i dont deny..(:

    anyway..a review on previous?
    well..yeah..he is just too young or not mature enough for me..
    it is just the way we handle stuff, our personality all really mean alot..
    i was trying to end it in a better and peaceful way but somehow all these messages just cant deliver to matter it is via peishan,luke or yiru...
    they are being so straightforward to tell him we wont work out but he still dont get it...
    until the day he came to find me for "a talk"..
    well..dont blame me for being so cruel..i cant drag this on and i have to be cruel..
    hatred will make someone stronger and i guess it works for him..
    so i rather him to hate me...or let his friends to curse and swear at me..
    i dont mind all these at all..
    maybe after years when he grow up he will realise and understand why im doing all these to him.
    if we were still friends, i would like to tell and teach him the way to handle people and to face not bg relationship, it is more on human-to-human relationship...
    though we were tgt for only a month, but from the way he handle people and stuff, i can see he is still not that mature...
    sometimes when we express out our behaviors out like what our heart tell us to, however, verbally we said another thing...this is kinda makes people think that you are 2-headed....for example, i say im gonna treat u for lunch because i owe u a favor...and yea i treat u but in the end the movie i asked you to treat is kinda....weird right?
    it is the same when he told me he is not asking for repay..but on the other hand he said he put in so much effort but not paid is contradicting isn't it?

    no human in this world doesn't want human..i emphasize...

    telling the whole world how much you did is just to get acknowledgement and recognized, telling people you dont wanna get repay is just to get people's sympathy...

    i dont blame you for all these..
    cuz in my eyes, you are still a kid..

    when you were out in the society, u will realise that you cant survive like this.

    i cant say much because im still young too..
    i have yet to face more challenges and situation..
    i might not be good in handling bg relationships..
    but handle human relationship, i dare to quite good at it..

    anyway..thats all!!!
    doing assignments againnnnnnnn~