

7th March



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  • sick and tired
    Friday, March 5, 2010

    Seriously, I am sick of this job..
    I am tired, I am stress...
    in fact, all my colleagues are...
    even kelly..

    we are so disappointed with this organisation..
    the CEO is plain stupid..
    the project manager is plain dumb..
    how to work under dumb higher management?

    But i have to find other jobs b4 i can quit..
    this is so tiring..
    i almost lost my life here..
    i sold my life away..
    weekend burn..
    always burn my weekend..
    sat need to work...den friday i cant play mj!!
    wtf is this man!!!!!

    but i love my colleagues here..
    the funny angkk..
    the straightforward small boy edwin wong..
    my same name adina..
    the out-of-expect jason..
    the korean craze jinle..
    the loud loud fanny da jie..
    the protector kelly..
    the big fish wayne..
    and of cuz bestest manager jesse who just left..

    I just simply LOVE them..

    i noe my life will change alot if i leave them...
    i just dont wanna lose such good colleagues like them..
    the best colleagues i ever had!!!!

    in 2 days..i will be 21 years old!!!!!!!!
    i grow up le..
    i m gonna be adult officially..
    means i have to be more mature??
    wayne told me is the beginning of doing bad things!!..
    LOL..i have 10 years to be bad...
    yes yes..~~

    just wondering..
    m i doing the right thing?
    or should i just dont care??