

7th March



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  • back to square one..
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  • 2010
    Friday, January 22, 2010

    i noe i 100 years nv post liao..

    super lazy la..
    feel like posting taiwan pictures...
    but super lazy...
    i shall find one day to photoshop nice nice and post it..

    CNY coming soon lo!!! sucks man..we are forced to take a leave on 17 feb..sch close...WTF..
    like tt my one leave no more le =(

    and i hate the HR..
    is particularly EILEEN only..
    ivy is nice..and the new hr manager sharon is good too...
    only tt eileen...
    wad a bitch she is lo..super sarcastic lo..
    /slap left and right...

    after working in BBI...i learnt alot stuff and happily i can apply here...
    the corporate world is always evil..i knew it when i stepped into the working life..
    but i don't know how evil human can be until i go to BBI..
    and happens again...
    but i felt numb...i no longer feel hurt...i even can pretend nth happen...
    because i noe..everyone only think of themselves...
    and that is the way to survive...
    cruel huh...
    god create earth and everything just wanna have a life...
    but humans destroy everything..
    humans add in all the evil thing and make the world evil...
    wad a joke...
    one day we human will be destroy..
    i m not surprise..
    i guess we deserve it..

    i decided to study..but i dont think i wan HRM...
    many ppl tell me it is not good..
    guess i have to go to accounting or finance...
    is all numbers which is my favourite...
    language is always out of my hand..

    anyway say until evil..
    ytd i found out something..
    which make me super shocked and stunned until today...
    i seriously cannot believe wad i heard...
    realli is........!!
    and i m super disappointed...
    and i realli realised...everything has 2 sides...the hidden side..seriously is scary..

    still thinking whether i should celebrate my bday anot..
    so mafan...
    chalet is the best option i guess..
    is simple easy and common?
    but i guess tt is the best thing i can do...
    my papa and mama gimme advance bday pressie...
    i m super happy la!!
    cuz the pressie is...
    NEW FURNITURES for my room!!!!
    i gonna have BIG BIG BIG wardrobe!!!!!!!
    and new bed new table new paint..i gonna have pink walls!!!