

7th March



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  • back to square one..
    Monday, December 21, 2009

    How many days did i not update... time to change my blogskin..
    this time i m gonna make it black..not pink..

    Anyway...feeling more concious now...was in "dizzy" mode during the weekends...
    Yinning, Lifang and me actualli planned to go to Butterfac on sat night...

    but ta-da!...yinning's friends are VIP for wavehouse for some reason and thus yinning asked us for the end...we went to wavehouse due to the free entry and drinks!!

    But the thing is...we don't know wad to we wear normal clubbing wear....

    Me and lifang meet 1st..then we took train to harbour front and took tram to the beach station where we waited for yinning and friends...then her friend augustine drove us to the wavehouse and ta-da! IT IS SO WEIRD!..we are like OVERDRESSED!...everyone is with bikinis all those...WEIRDDDDDD!...then we are like..WTF..HAHA.....

    den we went SAND and BEACH and like...we are wearing!~

    den yinning friend ben was like so sorry for dragging us in....yaya..he should feel guilty!!we supposed to go butterfac!!!...then i was telling him..if he realli feel guilty den treat us tequila shots! and ta-da!he really treated us shots!!!HAHAHA...den lifang was saying i super thick skin la!..HAHAHA..yesh yesh i m...^^

    den we started drinking...and this exp vodka..not like normal absolute vodka is surprisingly u noe...i hated vodka and swear not to touch it...but den this vodka is NICE!~...yinning tell me is the high-end vodka...tts the reason y it is SOOOO SMOOOTHHHH.... was totally random night la!! yinning friends,friends' friends,friends'friends'friends....AHHAHAA..and it happen one of them is our DEYI JUNIOR!...HAHAHA...the world is SO SMALL...

    Anyway..we were introduced to the big bosses - Ray and Bryan!...they are nice guys and played along with us..HAHAHA..esp that funny la!...and the poor augustine..he was raped by us la..HAHAHA...all of us wanted to took off his clothes and he is like small lil boy say NOOO....HAHAHAHAHA...damn funny...

    den ruisheng is thrown into the pool..and damn him..splash water at us!!...

    den there is this group of malays fighting!!!!!...lifang is damn scared la..she keep tell me to run away...HAHAHAHA..den i was like telling her got show to watch leh!!!! the end i was pulled away =(((

    anyway..wavehouse isn't that nice...the music is so soft that we could hardly hear hp can even play louder la!!! of our girl clique was saying she wanted to play her hp's song..LOL..and it was super hot there la! cuz it is open-air! like..SO FUCKING HOT THERE!!!!!!! so in the end..we took off our clothes..AHHAA..yes abit crazy..but we were wearing is ok..yinning is like go there buy bikini la!HAHAHAHA...yes crazy crazy...alcohol make ppl crazy....alcohol make ppl forget every sad things!...tts y karen drink until she is drunk...poor girl...i guess girls always do that...

    anyway..after nice ruisheng sent us home..but we being so thick skinned..asked for a supper b4 home..HAHAHAHA...yea was so funny in the cab la...cuz he talked damn alot with the driver as if is buddy...HAHAHA...i told him straight that he confirmed is a aquarius..and ta-da! I M SO ZHUN!..den he is so surprise..HAHA..of cuz..i m good at observing ppl horoscope okieeee!!!....HAHAHAHA....

    anyway..on sunday i was playing MJ!!! i guess my migrain came back..keep having headache...zzzz...time to buy new pack of PANADOL EXTRA!!!!

    i guess i m going back to the edyna i used to be...
    i will try hard to be...
    the independent fearless edyna who only love herself and will not shed a tear for anyone...
    is time to go back to square one...
    is time to forget about all the fairytales all the romance all the happy endings...
    there is never happy ending...

    let alcohol and parties heal the pain..
    i guess they are the best medicine.....