

7th March



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  • 知道失望是什么吗? 我举一个例子来说:当一个小孩子的冰淇淋掉在地板时,大声地哭,这个叫伤心。他的冰淇...
  • 今天的天气还好,心情却没天气一样好。 有些时候真的在想,当初我对男人的观念是否不应该变,应该认定男人...
  • i love him
  • haven been updating
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  • New company : Beyond Beauty
  • wads wrong with me
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  • a new environment
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  • changes..
    Monday, December 7, 2009

    have been posting blog recently…haha..too free i guess…
    indirectly teaching edwin some chinese huh…
    but i m posting this in english!!!edwin wait for the nt post then~!HAHA…

    today is like hectic la!!!
    tat fucking adrian ho give me one full stack of presentation to key in…
    i key until ki-siao lo…work until like 8pm!!WTF…
    my eyes almost pop out like popper..
    well..but is better least i have somethings to do..if not i will be thinking of damn lot of fucking things…
    it is good to be tired…cuz u will forget everything…once u rest…u will be thinking alot of stuff like wad i m doing now…BLOGGING!!

    have been half-concious ytd night..flippings and turnings..and some blurry dreams…
    have been thinking abt the past…5 years ago…when i was still a small lil girl…when i m dreaming abt fairytale…when i m hoping tt i m snow white..wahaha…
    sometimes when u think back…there are alot of things u did not realise until u had go thru everything…
    i always said that guys are the same…every 3 mths are honeymoon and after tt…is the true colour…or rather guys started to lose patience and slowly lessen the effort they put in…they will become less sensitive,less caring and sometimes even find u irritating or unreasonable or so…
    i always tot nv in my life i will meet a guy tt is not like tt…but hey…when i think back..wad i realised is…my first love did not!!omg…i felt so shock when i m reminiscing ytd whole night…i realise all the while “my 2 rules” applies..hahaha…but too bad…we just dun suit each other…but hey..he proved me wrong..and all the while i tot i was right!but well…maybe he is the odd one..hahaha…

    anyway…shall i stop my habits???
    everytime i got a bf..i will tell all my friends how good he is bla bla bla…
    but everytime when i say finish…nt moment he changes…
    just like few days ago…i was telling moley abt some good stuff abt him..if my friends know me well..they noe i wun badmouth my bf…
    but like wad i have said…nt moment he changes…
    should i be sad or should i be disappointed or should i get used to it?
    i lost the bf i had 4 months ago~ the one who will wait for me outside my house or workplace…the one who will apologise to me no matter wad…the one who will try his best to make me smile..the one who will not make me sad…where is he? he is LOST…eaten by the dinosaur i guess…but should i get used to it?cuz this is not the 1st bf i lost…the dinosaur must be veri can eat up my bf every 4mth or 8mth..seems like a routine or a curse to me…cant the dinosaur starve for like 1 yr?fatty dinosaur…
    sometimes not i wanna blame ppl or push the blame to someone else…but can u imagine..when u go to ur bf birthday party and u r not introduced to his friends or relatives at all…how will u feel…i guess not tt good huh…plus u had a quarrel with ur bf the day b4 the party…u still have to go to the party for god sake and put up a smiley face no matter how bad ur mood is…anyone can tell me i m in the wrong?
    haha…still rmb the times b4 he was eaten by the dinosaur..he told me he will always be there for me..he told me he will always apologise to me..he told me i m the most important…NOPE..NEGATIVE..i felt NTH now…i felt stupid to believe sweet talks like this…i tot i m immune to it..but apparently no..but i shall take a vaccine and be immune to any sweet talk from now on…