

7th March



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  • time to hit alcohol!
  • the world is small
  • black xmas
  • back to square one..
  • i understand the story
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  • 2010 New Year
    Thursday, December 31, 2009

    IT is NYE!!!

    tml is a whole new year 2010!
    is time to have new stuffs and replace the old ones..!!
    just bought a new heels and wallet and my diary...weee!!
    is time to dye and re-perm my hair!
    i need DR CHUA!!!

    anyway...ytd i just did something so brave!
    yea...elis should noe about it..i will tell gabby on monday...
    yes..i wrote a letter during my office hour..(kelly is not around)

    i stop being weak..i stop begging for him to come back...i stop being like "cant live without him" is all becuz of his coldness towards me in msn...
    it is FUCKING COLD...and i felt stupid when i was begging to like meet him...WTF m i doing?
    so this realli shot me straight to my head..making me realise it is REALLY OVER!

    it takes 2 hands to clap,while i m the one who is trying to make a clap,he is running is this..tell me he is sad?it is all bullshit!i guess he had moved is time for me to move on too!
    i dont wanna hate him..but he is making me to hate him so i have to hate him to core...
    as hard as the 4th now wad...nt time ppl ask me how many ex u have...i shall answer...1st one i was 16..den 2nd one is my brother friend,3rd one is a veri good guy..4th skip, 5th is a bastard,6th skip....i practically can skip 2

    just wondering is this how he break with the cosplay?now i think back..cosplay is abit pitiful all becuz of his confidence level and ego he went off like okie! will always find a better one! i MORE dont trust a guy...
    have to set kelly as a good example...she is a super career woman!
    i have to work towards her directions!
    i will always be so HIGH STANDARD that every guy will think I am too good for them.
    so this time round,
    the next bf will have to be a diploma or rather a degree holder, it will be the best if he is a master holder.
    but i think most importantly, he must be a BRAVE MAN..not a coward!!
    i wan someone who love me with actions!!!