

7th March



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`agnes yap `alex `ah tung `bErniCe `christine `chmel `cyn `Hui zhen `hui junn `hui ling `jie shi `kat `mei mei `pipi `serene `xiao juan yee ting `4-1-love huii `zhifan Project Blog


  • bullshit
  • time to hit alcohol!
  • the world is small
  • black xmas
  • back to square one..
  • i understand the story
  • stop crying
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  • 100 memories to be erased
    Tuesday, December 29, 2009

    1. random chats online
    2. phone chats
    3. nicknames like dumbdumb,kiwi
    4. random meetup at clark quay with closed stingray shop and bad western food
    5. random l4d
    6. l4d at amk
    7. birdshit
    8. striking 4D
    9. shopping at vivo
    10. random man from taiwan who tot we are couples gg to get married
    11. balloon rabbit that the man gave
    12. nice sushi tei treat
    13. bites on hand
    14. neoprints
    15. delicious dinner
    16. sending me to OC for work
    17. rushing to me when i fall down
    18. bringing me to doctor and hospital
    19. staying by my side in the ward
    20. sharing of the bread on the bed
    21. the long chitchat at my house downstairs
    22. the never give up attitude towards me
    23. the smile that brighten my day
    24. the days when we miss each other when away in taiwan
    25. the party world session after return from taiwan
    26. the couple tees,the green pouch,hello kitty pouch,the cap,the dried food
    27. the overnight mj session at my house
    28. the plucking of moustache
    29. the 1st kiss i gave from the bottom of my heart
    30. the long kiss we had
    31. the am i urs in the bus
    32. the 1st sushi buffet we had at yck
    33. the laughters we had
    34. our fav ichiban sushi at amk hub
    35. my fav chicken wings
    36. ur fav scallop
    37. the curry rice at nebo
    38. the cheesy nachos we had in cinemas
    39. the long phone chats and his stories
    40. basketball games at archade
    41. catching bears once a month
    42. basketball games at the court
    43. the support and motivation i gave during friendly match and competition
    44. his ankle
    45. the leg hair he owe me
    46. diggin his ears
    47. scrapping of dead feet skin
    48. tight huggings
    49. kissing
    50. washing my hair
    51. cooking the best maggie mee for him
    52. waiting for me to dress up
    53. staying overnite at the sofa
    54. naps we had together
    55. putting melon powder on his ulcers
    56. making him drink the cough syrup
    57. helping me to buy panadols for my migrain
    58. massaging each other
    59. dripping eye drop on his eyes
    60. squeezing his whiteheads
    61. squeezing the big big pimple on his shoulder
    62. watching movies on computer screen together
    63. listening to his mother’s stories
    64. promise not to make me cry like his mother
    65. loving pictures in my camera
    66. zoo trip with many pictures
    67. food republic’s hokkien mee
    68. the long bus 22 journey to airport,hop on and back to amk
    69. the loop bus 262
    70. the usual 12.10 bus 74
    71. the earthquake
    72. competing the scramble egg we cooked
    73. the way he call me BB
    74. the expression he showed me when he need me
    75. the happy faces when we see each other
    76. piggy back me around the house
    77. lying on his chest
    78. counting guarantee cards tgt
    79. walking super long for his army BBQ
    80. promise not to leave each other
    81. promise to be with me 24hrs after ORD
    82. promise to be the best and last bf
    83. promise to make me happy
    84. promise to last over 1 year
    85. promise to be the 1st bf who spend xmas with me,cny,valentine day every year
    86. promise to jog with me during weekend
    87. promise to choose my fav game and play ps3
    88. telling me i m the best gf he had
    89. telling me i m the only one he love
    90. telling me he will go mad if i leave him
    91. telling me he wan everyone to envy me having such a bf
    92. telling me he will support me 4ever
    93. telling me how important i am to him
    94. telling me he always dream of me
    95. sending me home everytime we went out
    96. sending me goodnight msg every night before he sleeps
    97. the night we drank on halloween day
    98. the dog we wanted to own tgt
    99. the future we discuss
    100. the way he says i love you


    u said break up is a 2-person thing but u made the decision and left me behind crying like a free flow tap water.
    wad m i suppose to do?