

7th March



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  • back to square one..
  • i understand the story
  • stop crying
  • Best book recommended for both genders : Men are f...
  • Targets!~~
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  • going homeeeeee~~!!!
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  • black xmas
    Wednesday, December 23, 2009

    xmas coming lo...

    but not fun every year..
    some old thing..gonna spend the night with brothers and to see zihao new gf (alex said she is natural irritant)..and becuz of she is irritant we cant go alex house!GRRR....i wan to see CHOKY!!!!! guess will be spending night at my house whr my mother will not be around in singapore...yes yes..we will mess up the whole house!!...that stupid jinhong keep making noise...just came back from aussie den wan play liao..walao..pengz~

    anyway..just came back from lunch...
    but 6 inch is way too big for me but i still squeeze in cuz it is my lunch+dinner!!

    ytd met rachael and huijun...ya..expected they will ask me the obvious question..HAHA...
    yes yes...and they both so agitated and keep saying they cannot accept the reason...yes yes...i noe i understand cuz i myself oso cannot accept is way too unreasonable and invalid...but what can i do..i already tried my best to salvage..i already told him everything from the bottom of my heart...what can i do?I apologised for being so unreasonable and not understanding,I confessed my feelings deep down in my heart,I prayed we can be tgt again..but all these dun work...what can i do?I tell myself he still love me,I tell myself he will come back...I tell my friends he is not in the wrong..but deep down in my heart..i m realli seriously hurt deeply...i hate to see his nick written so emo and everyone will think is my fault...i hate to appear strong..i hate to make myself drunk..i hate to pretend nth happen..i hate to move on..i hate to tell everyone i m ok..i hate to be alone..i hate to listen to emo songs..i hate to cry...i realli hate all these...

    but wad can i do?